
I really love drawing. I was one of those kids that drew over anything I could get my hands on, be it the inside of a catalogue or the Chinese take-away menu, where there was a biro there was a way.

I've come to understand that developing a skill-set feels like taking various disciplines for a test-drive; I've grown up with western comics and Japanese Anime side by side, stripped things down for fashion illustration at university and replaced the paper entirely for an altogether more organic canvas in make-up artistry. It is these test-drives that make our tool-kit unique.

At each step I've felt a shift in the way my artwork makes it onto the paper and I feel it again as I dive into this digital frontier. Drawing for me is an exercise of day-dreams. People inspire me; faces and characters that I meet on the big screen or in and out of the coffee shop; styling them out and creating a snapshot of their story. Every illustrator knows that feeling; the rush from the fingertips when that snapshot materialises and that character comes alive, fully-formed and breathing. That's what keeps me drawing and I know it always will, whether it be on paper, a tablet or a face.